October 27, 2005

Martin survives acupuncture!

Last week, after spending hours cleaning and mopping our old apartment (a very manly, macho way to go...), Martin managed to pull a muscle in his back rather badly.

Not quite knowing what to do with my incapacitated boyfriend, I phoned my friend Emily whose father is a well-reputed Chinese doctor in the area. She and her family were wonderful in helping us out, especially considering it was on a Sunday!

She picked us up and drove us over to her house in Huatan where her father got straight down to business. Needles came out and body parts were punctured. OW!!!
This carried on each morning for the rest of the week - and now he's healthy and able-bodied once more. Amazing (not that I'd try it!).

He smiles the smile of someone who knows nothing of what's about to happen...

Aaaand... they're in!

Ooooh so painful!

Worse than getting a tattoo? I don't even want to find out!

Emily's cute dog Harry isn't interested... he's seen this too many times.

After 20 minutes of poking, prodding and pushing... they finally come out!

The medicine cabinet. Mostly full of various dried herbs and plant matter... but there were a few surprises for me when I opened drawers to take a peek - crusty dried scorpians, leeches, earth worms etc... - fancy some herbal tea???


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