September 04, 2006

Pictures from around China...


Here are some pictures of us from various parts of China that we finally managed to get onto cd and then on Martin's flickr account... enjoy :)

Our first stop: Hong Kong. This is the sunset over the harbour, which we watched after a fun day in the museums.

Tian'annem Square, Beijing... can you see old Mao Zedong in the background??

The Great Wall of China!! Very exciting, if rather rainy.

Breath-taking Changbai Mountain, the volcanic crater lake that we ooohed and aaahed at for hours.

The famous mullet man of Dandong, giving the singing a break while he downs more beer.

Inside the Imperial Summer Villa, Chengde, we hiked up one of the mountains and watched the sunset.

The incredible Yungang Grottoes about one hours drive out of Datong.

Riding horses in Huitenxile, Inner Mongolia. Lovely blue skies :)

Our Zhengzhou family (minus mum who was working!) beside an ancient tree in the Renmin Park.

Martin practices his very own style of kung-fu in the Pagoda Forest, Shaolin.

My birthday!! We wandered the Muslim streets in Xi'an and ate wierd steamed rice things with gloopy black paste and peanut shavings.


At 2:40 am, Blogger Catherine said...

How lovely to see your faces after so long!!! Well, Kate, you look lovely as always... you are such a beautiful person. Those eyes and that smile, your cute little nose and those cheeks... well, you know I am a face person and you have the loveliest of faces!!! Martin, beautiful as well, but seriously, must shave that pubey beard thing you have going before I say so again. AHHH... am moving to England for sure. Miss you guys too much to let a year pass before seeing you again! I sound creepy, ehh???


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