March 19, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Party

Last Friday night there was a St. Patrick's Day party at our local bar - The Maple Leaf. Martin and I decided to take Katie (the new teacher at my branch) out for a meal and a quiet drink or two...

Me and him.

Pudding arrives... but most of it ends up on Martin's face.

Green Richard!

Who's that??

Rich and Katie discovering new functions on her camera.

"Even little guppies don't smile!"

Kate and Katie :)

Chinese Martin.

Gail enjoying her night off work!

Pascal: back in Taiwan but still can't figure out how Chinese cigarettes work!

Sam - the new teacher working with Martin at Shane school.

And then we played a little game... someone said a phrase and you had to manouver your face into that expression!

"The stinky tofu smell just wafted in the room"

"One of your students just vomited on your feet!"

"You are totally shocked at something but try to smile and hide it"

Neill then brought out the shooters.




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