November 22, 2005

Motorcyle madness!

Last weekend Martin and I finally got ourselves out of Yuanlin and into the mountains. We decided to try a new destination this time - Tatachia. Famous for its wonderful mountain hikes and spectacular sunrises and sunsets, we thought it'd be a great place to go after spending so many weekends in the city.

We began our journey on Saturday afternoon (with a stop in Dongpu for lunch), bracing ourselves for a good few hours on the bike. It took rather a lot more than a good few hours though, and as we drove up and up the mountain side and the wind got colder and colder, there were several moments when I asked myself "are you two stark raving mad??" In parts of the journey we were the only people on the road and it was truly scary. We were driving through the clouds and mist and I was so cold I could barely feel my own body.

We did eventually reach Tatachia though... only to be told by some hardy mountaineers that all the huts there were reserved for them, and in order to have a bed to sleep in we would have to drive another 20km to Alishan - more driving?? Help!
Luckily for us, the lovely Taiwanese didn't let us go without first giving us some hot soup to warm us up a little. And we had the added bonus of catching the sunset just as we got to Tatachia, which was gorgeous. I've never seen the sky in Taiwan turn such amazing colors!!

Then it was back on the bike and off again into the clouds. But this time I knew what awaited me.... a hot bath and warm bed!!! Lovely. We got to Alishan, checked into the hotel and that was that. I needed nothing more than that bath.

Sunday morning we were woken up by the 4am hotel call. Up we got and off we went to catch the mountain train with the rest of the Taiwanese all eagerly anticipating the sunrise. It was a long wait and when the sun eventually rose at 6:40am, it wasn't as spectacular as the last time I was in Alishan - but still beautiful.

By that afternoon we were back on the bike and heading back to Yuanlin. We stopped in Chiayi for some good old British food in the local pub, watched a little South African satellite tv and then, very tired and very full, drove the last bit home. We collapsed into bed at about 7:30 and that was that... a weekend well spent!

First stop - lunch in Dongpu... appetizing isn't it???

Freezing cold sunset in Tatachia.

The colors were magical.

The first time that I've welcomed the taste of fish balls and watery soup in Taiwan!!

Martin gets some warmth-giving soup in him!

Finally we arrive in Alishan, where a kettle and a nice warm hotel bed awaits... (Ok so 6.4 doesn't seem that cold, but when you've been riding on a bike at 2600m above sea level after sundown - believe me it's freezing!)

Martin waits in line for a greasy 'dan-bing' (fried-egg-pancake-thing) at 4:30am.

Waiting for the sunrise...

I try Martin's glasses for size and am surprised at how well I can see with them on (ooops - a trip to the optometrist might be in order!).

He tries to entertain me to pass the time...

Hundreds of Taiwanese waiting for the sunrise.

The sun has risen... happy smiles all around!

We rode halfway down the mountain and walked the other half (honest!).

Cool bamboo on the side of the road.

The further down the mountain we go, the hotter I get... need to take off some layers!

My new boyfriend "Chuck" on the 'famous lover's bridge' somewhere on the road west of Alishan.

Sunset over Chiayi city along the way home.


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