May 30, 2006

I will NEVER do that again!!!

Oh my goodness... I finally have some time and space to tell you all about my wisdom tooth extraction experience. Never again will I undergo such an intensely painful operation!!!

Martin drove me through to Changhua Christian Hospital early last Thursday morning at about 8am. We waited a while until I was able to go in to see one of the dentists there. His first question: "So what's your problem?"... clearly I wasn't about to explain all of that (ha ha ha) so I just said that I needed to have a wisdom tooth extracted (all the while thinking... 'shouldn't you know this already???'). Second question: "Can you open your mouth?"...

And the next thing I knew he had a massive needle in there and was prodding me with a local anesthetic. Please note - only a LOCAL.

5 minutes later he started the job, after telling me it would take about 30 minutes for him to finish as it was rather "complicated".

1 hour passed and I was still in the chair, crying in agony, a nurse holding my hand and patting me, the dentist with a big metal clamp thing in my mouth still tugging!!! Such pain!!
A massive bucket full of my blood and saliva later, I was done. He explained that actually it was more complicated that he had thought and the tooth was so big and impacted that he had to cut it into 3 pieces to extract the whole thing. OW OW OW!! I was still crying and in such a state of shock that Martin had to do the rest - talk to the dentist, get my medicine, buy me ice, drive me home etc. Luckily for me... he's wonderful and has taken such good care of me these last few days.

It's now been 5 days and I still can't eat or talk properly. I have to go back to Changhua on Thursday for him to check it all out again and remove the stitches. If he even begins to suggest that I should have the other one taken out too I will run as fast as I can out of there....

P.S. (Even now just talking about it I can feel again the crunch as the metal clamp closed around my tooth.... )


At 8:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

At 11:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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